A Handful of Freedom

Feel free to do whatever you want to do!
Do everything that makes you happy!
Push the limits!
Do you remeber
"Yes Man" movie with Jim Carrey?
Always say "Yes" if you feel that it is the right thing to do right now, this can be the way to your dreams.

很喜歡她的作品  以及網頁上搭配的一些文字

Written by Oksana   
08 September 2009

An ordinary morning. You are starting your ordinary day.

Do you want it to be ordinary?

Ask yourself a question: "What would I do if today was the last day of my life?"

I think your answer will be: "I would like it to be the best day of my life."

I don't want to upset you, but nobody can ever find out what day is going to be the last.

And so it's better to live each day of your life as if it is the last.

I'm not telling you to quit your job and spend all you money on traveling:)

But you can live your life to its fullest by adding some simple things to each day.

It doesn't matter what is going on, but it does matter how you feel about it.

Do not forget that life is too short to be unhappy!

Here is my recipe for the best day on Earth!

我好喜歡這張相片  讓我非常有疏壓的感覺
尤其是在星期五晚上 星期六上午
這個我唯一可以喘口氣 休息一下下的小小時段
什麼事都不想去想    就是單純地放鬆自己就好

星期五的on call  算是平安過關了
前兩天都熬夜 當天有超早起 
我還是沒有把進度唸完  東西實在是太多了

不過整堂課一個半小時 我從頭緊張到尾
一直盯著電腦螢幕右下角的時間  哈哈
畢竟老師這樣一堂課三個學生 來回點來回問

Chia-Lun, what do you think?
Chia-Lun, what about this case? Tell me something about the case.
Chia-Lun, why .......

我想 這學期就是這樣吧
永不間斷的on call

今天 又要來趕星期一的作業啦

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    Karen Lee

    Karen ♥ Life

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